The Bulding Management System or « BMS » refers to the electronic control and management system(s) for professional buildings (small businesses, warehouses, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, etc.). The term “Bulding Management System” is used in the same way as “home automation” when referring to a house.
Installation of BMS in Haut-Rhin (68) and Alsace
What is the BMS ?
"The economic gains recognized are in the order of 10 to 20%"
Bank of the Territories, CEREMA report February 2018

BMS, how does it work and what is it for?
Thanks to sensors and actuators located on the various elements installed (e.g. a shutter), you can automate and manage your “batches” via a management interface (a screen). This system will facilitate the management of your building (energy, heating, air conditioning, etc.), improve its security (breakdowns, water leaks, intrusion, etc.), increase the reactivity of your teams and allow you to save energy.
Example of Use Case
You own offices and want to save energy.
Increase it a few minutes before the arrival of your employees
Let the sun preheat the premises in the morning
BMS and Building Thermal Regulations legislations
In order to respect the thermal legislation of the building it is very interesting, even sometimes necessary to install a system of BMS in order to be able to know its consumption, to control it and thus to respect the standard RT 2012.
The fields of use of BMS can be classified into three categories :